Tuesday, January 19, 2010

February Sale Is Beginning to Take Shape

We have had lots of time off to sleep and read and sled and SHOVEL and SHOVEL and FREEZE and some of us actually took vacations!! But now we are all running around with hammers and drills
and paint brushes working on our favorite kind of stuff - JUNK!! Just had to show you a couple of treasures Mike picked up this week - the Dental cabinet is first. It has lots of drawers in various sizes and needs TONS of work - but it will be absolutely awesome when we are done!! Next is a Clipper #2B Fanning Mill! We always get excited when we are lucky enough to find one of these. We always get one coffee table made from them (see the finished photo - which by the way is not the best photo but I can't seem to find all of my really good photos). Anyway - our fanning mill coffee tables are always a hit - and then there is all of the rest of the fun stuff that we get to make, design, and build from all of the other cool parts. Not much goes to waste!! I also picked up an AWESOME white 60's table and some great mid-century modern pieces. Can't wait to put them all together. Think I can make rusty, country, mid-century modern, urban chic and traditional all work in one area??????????? Hmmmm, will be a challenge indeed!!


  1. I KNOW you can!!! And if you need some more fingers and toes I'll come help you!!! Rusty, country, mid-century modern, urban chic and traditional with a twist of some good ole farmhouse all served up in a bungalow... sounds FANTASTICAL to me!!!

    And the dental cabinet? I'm swooning over here... that is so cool!!!!

    stay warm!!! Love all of your finds!!!

    ;-) robelyn

  2. Of course you can make it work. And then cram it all in to your space at Rose's. Maybe you can add some steampunk or Renaissance Revival for some flare.

  3. The first picture, the piece with multiple drawers? If you could bring that to me and deliver it to my front door, I do believe I would have a heart attack. It rocks! You have some great stuff! Thanks for stopping by today. ~Mindy
