Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Welcome to our July Market 5-6-7-8

Thank you for spending time with us...We have the best customers in the world

Thank you for the honor

See if you recognize the stars of this video.....Touches my heart every time I watch this....LOVE.....We are so excited to share with you this great product my sister has created Branded By J.Otto at Second Hand Rose this month....They make great Father's Day gifts •Give a gift that lasts and will leave a mark that matters• Go online to brandedbyjotto.com and place your order to receive it by Father’s Day!

June Market 7-8-9-10

It's Friday! Restocked and ready for our June Market 7-8-9-10 ....Open from 9 to 6 today...Join the craze of the Occasional Market. We are only open 4 days a month (The First Thursday - Sunday of every month). It sounds crazy but once you try it, you can't help but want to come back for more. The store is never the same, each month we tear down and change everything. So many talents in one building......We have the best dealer around....Thank you Barb, Stone's Throw, Junk180, Creekside Sawing, Dawn, Lynn, Dibbydabbles designs & finds, Diane, Michelle and Tom, Weaver Lake Furniture Company, The Simple Cottage Home and Tammy, Rusty Reruns, Brownton Abbey, Stonyhill & Companies, Sarah, Pat

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Welcome to our June Market 7-8-9-10