Monday, November 30, 2009

Cindy K

Cindy K is not leaving the building. At least we will still have one Cindy!! CindyK loves antiques - the real kind, fine woods, chippy painted woods, rust, silver - good stuff. And she is great at putting it all together to make awesome displays. You will always find something in her area that you have never seen before - I love poking around to see what she has - and trying to figure out where she finds all of these treasures!!! She has lots of great COLOR in her area this month - and a bob sled that is to die for! Cindy is a good friend, an awesome listener, an antique dealer, wife, mother, farmer, and chicken raiser. She has a great sense of humor and can get just as silly as Barb and I when it comes to dressing in a "holiday manner" for our December sale. She works on Friday - be sure to drop by and say hey!

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