We're getting all ready to swing open the doors on July 5th - and we are already getting full of "hot stuff" to share! We hope all of you will come on out and spend part of the holiday week with us! For those of you who missed out on the little doodads and typewriter keys last month - Don't Worry - Be Happy - we have more!!
This great trunk on wheels is the perfect coffee table!
We love everything about this little table - size, style and color!
This awesome carpenter's tool chest is full of little drawers and hidden compartments! You could hide all kinds of treasures in it!
Awesome coffee table made from a fanning mill!
This great drawer unit started life as a unit to store tools and nuts and bolts. It has been totally cleaned up inside and out so you can store all of your treasures!
Most of the drawers are divided in all kinds of little compartments. How perfect for you jewelry makers or crafters or scrapbookers - or for whatever kinds of treasures you have.
We LOVE Barb's window treatments!
Lots of goodies and treasures await you in this cute cabinet!
One of the most beautiful cupboards we have ever had!
Love this cozy little chair!
This cupboard is drop dead gorgeous! I have been trying to figure out how it could fit in my house!
Fun and cozy - a great barn door backdrop and an awesome little iron bed that pulls out to make a full size bed - and it comes with the ticking mattress!
What a perfect size little cubby for your entryway!